Space systems project I  

Learning outcomes After successfully completing the module, students have: Knowledge: Basics of the European Space Standards (ECSS) Basics of project management, quality assurance and document management Carrying out space projects at a practical level, ie as close as possible to your later professional life Structure and functionality of selected space systems, primarily with a focus on current space topics Design of complex systems in space travel Skills: Development and calculation of concepts for a selected space system Reasonable selection of reference concepts Calculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of the selected solutions Writing project documentation Writing a paper Competencies: in project management, project planning and implementation in teamwork and communication in organizing work groups in achieving your own goals in the internal and external presentation of the results Teaching content The Space Systems Project course is intended to enable current space topics to be dealt with as practically as possible. For this purpose, external lecturers from the space industry are involved in the course. The first part of the course is divided into the following Sections: Introduction to the subject, ECSS/Quality Assurance (QA)/Document Management Introduction to the basics of project management Joint brainstorming on current space topics and possible course content Discussion forum creates the detailed goals and requirements of the course Division of teams taking into account personal strengths and weaknesses. Development of essential milestones Developing a binding schedule Developing and calculating concepts in teamwork. Discussion and selection of reference concepts Calculation, design and, if necessary, prototype production of concepts in teamwork Creation of project documentation against the background of the QA system End-of-semester presentation and maneuver criticism
Space systems project I

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